Technical Bachelor’s Degree in Denturism Program Objective

The core focus of this degree program is designed using the guidelines of the Denturist’s scope of practice. This includes: treatment planning, design, fabrication and fitting of complete, partial, immediate and implant-supported and retained dentures. Expanding on that scope, advanced topics in dental technology such as CAD/CAM, digital photography, and complex prosthetics are included. Business courses including accounting and marketing provide a base for practice management. Students also complete courses in liberal arts and sciences for a well-rounded academic experience.

The program consists of a challenging curriculum including academic, clinical and “hands-on” laboratory skills. The students will study science, dental sciences, health promotion and Denturist practice management.  All areas of study will observe the International Baseline Competencies Profile for Denturist Education, The Denturist Association of Canada Competencies and Learning Outcomes, United Kingdom General Dental Council Preparing for Practice Learning Outcomes, and Oregon Board of Dental Technology Denture Technology Curriculum Objectives.  Graduates of this program who are not currently licensed Denturists must successfully complete the written and practical licensing examinations in the jurisdiction where they intend to practice to be eligible to practice as a Denturist in states or countries where the degree is recognized.  In unregulated states, graduates have increased knowledge and skill in the denture technology field.

Program Outcomes

The Technical Bachelor’s Degree in Denturism has three sets of program outcomes: General Education, core competencies as defined by the International Federation of Denturists, and Denturist skills.

General Education Program Outcomes

• Effectively use the English language in written and verbal communication in professional and academic settings
• Employ mathematical concepts to interpret data and solve problems in professional and academic settings
• Analyze information to reflect acknowledgment of multicultural perspectives
• Apply basic science concepts in professional and academic settings.

Core outcomes as defined by the International Federation of Denturists:

KNOWLEDGE Objectives

The newly qualified denturist should understand those aspects of the following topics that relate to their framework of professional responsibilities:
1.  The engineering and scientific basis of dentistry related to the provision of removable dental prosthetic devices, including the mechanisms of knowledge acquisition, applied medical devices methodology and the evaluation of evidence;
2.  Common oral problems treated by removable dental prosthetic devices; the techniques for their diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment; and the maintenance of stable treatment results;
3.  Problems presented by patients that are either directly related to the wearing of removable dental prostheses or could affect the wearing of them;
4.  The scope and perspective of contemporary removable prosthetic dentistry and its clinical, mechanical and biological basis;
5.  Behavioral science and communication;
6.  Principles of health promotion and disease prevention;
7.  Organization and provision of health care in the community and in hospital;
8.  The relevance of business and management skills;
9.  The broader issues of professional practice, including ethics, medico-legal considerations,
10.  Health and safety legislation and the maintenance of a safe working environment;
11.  Ways in which medical emergencies and physical and mental illness may affect patients and the psychological response to normal physical and social processes.

SKILL Objectives

The newly qualified denturist should be able to:
12.  Demonstrate a wide range of transferable skills, including investigative, analytical, problem solving, planning, communication, presentation and team skills.
13.  Communicate effectively with patients, their families and associates, members of the dental team and other health professionals involved in patient care, and with the public.
14.  Obtain and record a relevant history, interpret a care plan or prescription, and carry out an appropriate examination of the patient as part of the necessary procedures leading to the provision of removable dental prosthetic devices.
15.  Detect the presence of diseases of the oral and related structures, including abnormalities that may require further investigation and, if appropriate, make arrangements for the referral of affected patients.
16.  Evaluate and apply evidence-based treatment and techniques relating to the provision of removable dental prosthetic devices.
17.  Devise and record a comprehensive contract review, perform appropriate visual and tactile assessments, interpret the findings obtained from information available and make provision for further assessment and review.
18.  Interpret and interact with a developed treatment plan for a removable dental prosthetic device and monitor treatment progress, identify problems arising during a course of treatment and propose further treatment options, including preventative and adjunctive treatment
19.  Undertake, to the highest possible standards, those clinical and dental technology procedures that are within his or her required area of competence, including techniques for prevention of future problems and the ability to enhance the oral health care of individuals.


The newly qualified denturist should have:
20.  An approach to teaching and learning that are based on curiosity and exploration of knowledge rather than its passive acquisition;
21. A desire to seek and act on evidence, a capacity for self-audit and an appreciation of the need to participate in peer review
22. An awareness of personal limitations, a willingness to seek help as necessary, and an ability to work effectively as a member of the team
23.  Respect for patients and colleagues that encompasses without prejudice diversity of background and opportunity, language and culture;
24.  An understanding of patients’ rights, particularly with regard to confidentiality and informed consent;
25.  An awareness of moral and ethical responsibilities involved in the provision of care to individual patients and to populations;
26.  An appreciation of the importance of honesty and trustworthiness;
27.  An understanding of audit and clinical governance;
28.  An awareness that denturists should strive to provide or support the highest quality of patient care at all times;
29.  An awareness of the importance of one’s own health and its impact on the ability to practice as a denturist;
30.  An awareness of the need for continuing professional development allied to the process of their continuing education, in order to ensure that high levels of clinical competence and knowledge are maintained.

Professional Denturist Skills Program Outcomes

OUTCOME 1: The newly qualified Denturist will apply a thorough understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body in the assessment and design of dental prosthetics.

Foundation – The newly qualified Denturist must be able to relate the integration of the entire anatomy and physiology of the patient. From general body systems to specific blood supply, musculature and enervation of the areas to be fitted to, the Denturist must be able to synthesize the manner in which all are interconnected and relevant to the assessment, diagnosing, designing, and fitting of a removable prosthetic devise.

OUTCOME 2: The newly qualified denturist will operate a dental practice that adheres to best practices in the day-to-day operations that take into account the interest of employees and patients.

Foundation – The ability of a newly qualified Denturist to oversee the direction of a business or practice, integrating legal, liability, human resources, and patient best practices is crucial to the ability to deliver professional services to patient in need of removable prosthetics.

OUTCOME 3: The newly qualified Denturist will apply a thorough understanding of the effects and reason for prescribed drugs, along with classification and contraindications related to the design, and fitting of dental prosthetics, in both the short and long term.

Foundation – The effect that pharmaceuticals and over the counter herbs and supplements has a profound effect on the outcomes and ultimate success of the prosthetics in the newly qualified Denturist’s practice. The ability to manage symptoms, coordinate care, and manage patient expectations to provide for a successful outcome require significant insight into the medications of patients today.

OUTCOME 4: The newly qualified Denturist will apply a thorough understanding of the unique dental and oral diseases and disorders in elderly patients, as well as the presentation of psychological and social factors that are involved with this growing demographic.

Foundation – The edentulous or partially edentulous patient presents an age range from sixteen to over 100 years of age and comes from a variety of socioeconomic and racial backgrounds. The ability to assess and integrate both oral and systemic disease and relate the physiological and psychological effects of the disease, aging, as well as the loss of teeth is an integral part of the day-to-day Denturist practice.

OUTCOME 5: The newly qualified Denturist will apply a comprehensive understanding of the classification and progress of edentulism and demonstrate that understanding by delivering a dental prosthetic to a patient.

Foundation – Whereas the trend in the past has been for the edentulous or partially edentulous patient to trend to be older, the rise of the cost of dental care has put more and more younger people in a position for removable prosthetics. The ability for the Denturist to be able to distinguish where a patient is currently at and determine the appropriate treatment plan is crucial in-patient success.

OUTCOME 6: A Denturist with a deeper level understanding will apply intellectual and practical skills in integrative and applied learning with practical application in their lives through their many roles and communities.

Foundation – A Denturist possessing in-depth experience in more complex techniques and skills is a specialized partner in the medical and dental communities. They integrate and serve communities beyond the specifics of their specialty and need to be well rounded and lifelong contributors to the local community.

Benefit – A graduate of a bachelor’s program would benefit by having advanced knowledge and skills that allow the Denturist to play a greater role in the professional community than a graduate of a diploma program. The advanced knowledge and skills would allow the graduate to play a greater role within the dental team, conduct continuing education courses in advanced topics, and mentor Denturists interested in developing similar relationships with the rest of the dental team.

OUTCOME 7: A Denturist with a deeper level understanding will apply an advanced understanding of the classification and progress of edentulism, and demonstrate that understanding through application of theory, clinical role play, and laboratory design and fabrication.

Foundation – Treatment modalities continue to evolve in the field of removable prosthetics. New technology, techniques, and materials continue to emerge that benefit both the Denturist and the patient. The recognition and integration of these techniques and technology is crucial to providing the best care for patients going forward.

Benefit – Within a diploma program, advanced techniques and basic information about emerging materials and technologies are introduced. The new graduate of a diploma program would not have the knowledge or skills to use these materials and technologies or perform the techniques. This outcome clearly indicates that the graduate of the Bachelor program will be able to perform advanced treatments and construct dental prosthetics with a greater variety of materials and technologies than a recent graduate of a diploma program.

OUTCOME 8: A Denturist with a deeper level understanding will utilize emerging and advanced technologies to treat a full complement of patient issues.

Foundation – Advances in technology, primarily in the processing aspects of the industry, create a landscape in which Denturists must evolve in order to be able to provide end product and service as part of the dental team.

Benefit – The recent graduate of a bachelor program will be a more immediate valuable member of the dental team than the recent graduate of the diploma program as he or she has the knowledge and skills to perform more advanced techniques and work with advanced technologies and perform a full complement of patient issues. This is a benefit to the graduate in terms of being a member of a dental team because the patient can work with the current dental team instead of being referred out to another Denturist or Prosthodontist.

OUTCOME 9: A Denturist with a deeper level understanding demonstrates workflow processes for ALL procedures available to a licensed Denturist.

Foundation – Whereas a newly qualified denturist has an understanding of the majority of prosthetic rehabilitation that are available to their patients, there exists a subset of those patients who present with difficult or rare conditions that have to be treated.

Benefit – With the ability to competently use new and more advanced technologies, the graduate of the bachelor program can treat a greater array of patient ailments, being a more valuable member of a dental team and allowing a patient to centralize all of their required treatments at one provider.

OUTCOME 10: A Denturist with a deeper level understanding will create specific treatment modalities for patients looking for semi-permanent removable solutions.

Foundation – Whereas the newly qualified Denturist has a conceptual understanding of semi-permanent prosthetics, a Denturist with a deeper level understanding demonstrates a higher competency level in the assessment, planning fabrication and delivery of the semi-permanent prosthetic, as well as their part in the dental team that is necessary to complete this treatment.

Benefit – A diploma program introduces the basic concepts of semi-permanent prosthetics. However, students do not create or repair them. In the bachelor program, students create and repair semi-permanent prosthetics and are able to incorporate this treatment immediately into their practice.

OUTCOME 11: A Denturist with a deeper level understanding will demonstrate the ability to work with other dental professionals to participate in the process of diagnosis, treatment planning, design, fabrication, delivery, and troubleshooting of advanced fixed-removeable prosthetics.

Foundation – A Denturist with a deeper level understanding of skills and techniques is more likely to see more complex patients and have to work with a variety of other dental professional and specialists. Being able to communicate effectively and convey complex treatment modalities is crucial to patient treatment.

Benefit – The Bachelor’s program goes into great depth on each of these areas in order to improve the competence of the Denturist and making them an equal participant on the diagnostic and services teams.

ADC Technical Bachelor’s Degree in Denturism

General Education Courses

Title Quarter Credit Hours
ANAT 101 General Anatomy & Physiology I 4
ANAT 102 General Anatomy & Physiology II 4
SOCI 114 Sociology 3
DPSY 130 Dental Psychology & the Aging Process (Gerontology) 4
COMM 114 Speech and Communication 3
ECOM 108 English Composition 3
ELPR 220 Ethics, Legal & Professional Relationships 3
MATH 110 Business Math 4
ACCT 200 Accounting Fundamentals 4
ACCT 210 Accounting Information Systems – Practical Emphasis 4
MARK 220 Marketing Essentials 4
Core Courses
Title Quarter Credit Hours
MBIC 201 Microbiology & Infection Control 4
OANA 201 Orofacial Anatomy & Biomechanics 4
GHST 201 General Histology, Dental Histology & Embryology 4
PERI 240 Periodontology 3
OPAM 210 Oral Pathology & Medicine 3
DMAT 220 Dental Materials 5
RADP 210 Radiographic Pattern Recognition 3
PHRM 210 Pharmacology 4
PHLR 170 Public Health, Legislation, & Research 3
PDNT 301 Pre-clinical Prosthetics: Clinical & Lab 9
NUTR 200 Nutrition 4
CDNT 310 Clinical Prosthetics: Clinical & Lab 8
CDNT 311 Clinical Prosthetics: Clinical & Lab 8
MEDE 150 Medical Emergency Care 3
DPSY 220 Dental Psychology 3
RDNT 320 Removable Partial Dentures: Clinical & Lab 12
IDNT 330 Dentures over Implants 12
MNGT 160 Small Business Management 3
PMAN 161 Practice Management 16
CLNC 400 Externship 4
ARTD 110 Art and Design 4
DDNT 460 Digital Dentures / CAD CAM4 4
ADNT 450 Advanced Denture Techniques 4
IDNT 450 Implant Supported Prosthetics Theory 4
IDNT 451 Implant Supported Prosthetics Lab 4
CDNT 475 Complex Prosthetics- obturators, swing lock, smile design integration 4
ART 120 Dental Photography 2

Technical Bachelor’s Degree in Denturism Program Fees

List of Fees

The following is a list of the fees associated with the Technical Bachelor’s Degree in Denturism.  These fees do not include any expenses associated with travel, meals and lodging to complete the Externship.

Description Amount Date Due
Application Fee $50.00 At Application
Admission Exam Fee (per time)* $50.00 At Application
English Language Proficiency Test Fee – If applicable Student responsible   At Application
Registration Fee $150.00 Onetime at Enrollment
Technology Fee $400 Onetime at Enrollment
Tuition: $52,200
Lab Supplies: Included with Tuition
Estimated fees for non-provided supplies $3,000.00
Books: Estimated cost from third party provider
Structure & Function of the Body (14th Edition), Author Thibodeau & Patton, ISBN-13: 978-0-323-07722-4


Infection Control and Management of Hazardous Materials for the Dental Team (Seventh Edition)
By: Chris H. Miller
Published by: Elsevier, 2023
ISBN: 978-0-323-76404-9


Anatomy of Orofacial Structures: A Comprehensive Approach (Ninth Edition)
By: Brand & Isselhard
Published by: Elsivier, 2024
ISBN-13: 978-0-323-79699-6


Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy-Illustrated (3rd Edition), Author Mary Bath-Balogh & Margaret J. Fehrenbach, ISBN-13: 978-1-4377-1730-3


Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist (8th Edition)by Olga A. C. Ibsen RDH MS (Author), Scott Peters DDS (Author)
Published by: Saunders (1/25/2022)
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 9780323764032


Prosthetic Treatment of the Edentulous Patient (5thEdition), Author R.M. Basker, J.C. Davenport & J.M. Thomason, ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-9261-3


Prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous Patients (13th Edition), Author Zarb, Hobkirk, Eckert & Jacob, ISBN-13: 978-0-323-07844-3


Thinking Critically (10th Edition), Author John Chaffee, ISBN-13: 978-0-495-90881-4


Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology for the Dental Hygienist
By: Michael G. Newman DDS, FACD, Lory Laughter RDH, MS, Gwendolyn Essex RDH, RDHAP, MS, EdD, Satheesh Elangovan BDS, DSc, DMSc
Published by: Elsevier, 2021
ISBN- 13: 978-0-323-70841-8


Dental Materials:  Properties and Manipulation (10th Edition), Author John M. Powers & John C. Wataha, ISBN-13:978-0-323-07836-8


Applied Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist (6th Edition), Author Elena Bablenis Haveles, ISBN-13: 978-0-323-06558-0


Communication Skills for the Healthcare Professional, Author Laurie Kelly McCorry & Jeff Mason, ISBN-13: 978-1-58255-814-1


Behavioral Sciences for Dentistry, Author Gerry Humphris & Margaret S. Ling, ISBN-13: 978-0443051906


Dental Radiography Principles and Techniques (6th Edition), Author Joen M. Iannucci & Laura Jansen Howerton, ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0323695503


Seeing Sociology: An Introduction (Second Edition), Author Joan Ferrante, ISBN-13: 978-1-13393523-0


Toward Healthy Aging-Human Needs & Nursing Response (8th Edition), Author Theris A. Touhy & Kathleen Jett, ISBN-13: 978-0-323-07316-5


Prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous Patients (13th Edition), Author Zarb, Hobkirk, Eckert and Jacob, ISBN-13: 978-0-323-07844-3


Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office (6th Edition), Author Stanley F. Malamed, ISBN-13: 978-0-323-04235-2


Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Occupations (2nd Edition), Author Tonia Dandry Aiken, ISBN-13: 978-1-4160-2262-6


Small Business Management –Entrepreneurship and Beyond (5thEdition), Author Timothy S. Hatten, ISBN-13: 978-0-538-45314-1


Practice Management for the Dental Team (Ninth Edition)
By: Betty Ladley Finkbeiner & Charles Allan Finkbeiner
Published by: Elsevier, 2020
ISBN- 9780323597654


Community Oral Health Practice for the Dental Hygienist (Fifth Edition)
By: Christine French Beaty
Published by: Elsevier,2022
ISBN: 978-0-323-68341-3


The Dental Hygienist’s Guide to Nutritional Care (4thEdition), Author Cynthia A. Stageman & Judi Ratliff Davis, ISBN-13: 978-1-4557-3765-9


Removable Partial Prosthodontics (12th Edition), Author Alan B. Carr & David T. Brown, ISBN-13:  978-0-323-06990-8


Dental Implant Prosthetics (2nd Edition), Author Carl E. Misch, ISBN-13: 978-0-323-07845-0


Corporate Financial Accounting, 12th Edition, Author Carl Warren, James Reeve, Jonathan Duchac, ISBN-13: $55
BUSINESS MATH: A Step-By-Step Handbook Version 2021 – Revision C, Author J. Olivier, Red River College, Creative Commons, Linked in course $0
QuickBooks Online, Copyright 2014 (Online tutorials) $0
MKTG 8, 8th Edition, Author Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F. Hair, and Carl McDaniel, ISBN-13: 9781285432625 $45
Introduction to Art: Design, Context, and Meaning, Author Pamela Sachant, University of North Georgia, Peggy Blood, Savannah State University, IBN- Open Textbook Library $0
Mandibular Suction-Effective Denture, The Professional, Clinical and Laboratory Technique for Class I/II/III with Aesthetics 1st Edition, Author Jiro Abe, Kenji Iwaki, Tetsuya Sudo , Kyoko Kokubo, ISBN-13: 978-4781206769 $130
Dental Implant Prosthetics (Second Edition), Carl E. Misch, ISBN-13: 978-0-323-07845-0 $170
Mastering Digital Dental Photography, Author Wolfgang Bengel, ISBN-13: 978-1850971528 $170
Estimated Book Cost $4,000
  • Based on prior education.
  • * If the student fails to make their lab supplies payment on time, they may be charged for expedited shipping. The actual cost of the shipping with a 10% handling fee will be assessed to the student.  International students will be charged for all shipping, customs, & tariff costs. *** Other payment plans are available.  Please contact Director of Admissions for options.

All tuition and fees are due on the dates prescribed above.  If fees are not received by those dates, the student will not be allowed to begin the next term’s courses unless all outstanding fees are paid or arrangements are made prior to the start of the courses with Admissions.  Failure to pay tuition and/or fees within one week of the beginning of the term will result in termination.

** All books must be purchased by the Student.  If the student needs assistance, please contact the ADC. **

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